Reversible Rug

Reversible Rug

from $182.00

Bath mat has stripe and background textures are opposite on reverse side. Color is the same on both sides. Most rugs are made with long staple Giza Egyptian Cotton; which is much finer, more absorbent and much longer lasting than other cottons.

Handmade in the heart of Portugal, where quality is well known throughout the world. These exclusive rugs create luxe spaces in every bathroom.


23 x 23”

20 x 31”

23 x 39”

27 x 47”

31 x 63”

Please allow for 6+ weeks for delivery, if items are not in store, and may experience some delays.

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Calistoga Shag Rug

Calistoga Shag Rug

from $158.00
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Milagro Tub Mat

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Essential Floor Mat

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Milagro Bath Rug

from $108.00